Peer to Peer networking in Blockchain
Before understanding the p2p (peer to peer)network in blockchain let us understand the network in general, and another model of networking namely, the client-server model. What are the merits and drawbacks of both these models and why has blockchain adopted the p2p network model?
Computer networking is the term for a network of connected computers that may communicate and share resources. Resources can be any hardware resources, files, folders, or any kind of data.
Two main categories can be used to classify computer network design:
A- Client-server architecture
B- Peer-to-peer architecture
Nodes in a client-server computer network could be clients or servers. Client nodes receive resources from server nodes, such as memory, computing power, or data. Client node activity may also be controlled by server nodes. Although clients can interact with one another, they do not exchange resources. Clients can request access to this data from the server machine.
The connected computers in a peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture share the same rights and privileges. No centralized server is present for coordination. Each computer network device has the option of serving or acting as a client. A portion of each peer’s resources, such as memory and processing power, may be shared across the entire computer network.
After knowing about these two networks, now let us compare both of them.
In a client-server network, clients and servers can be recognized from one another due to the unique servers and clients that are present. The Peer-to-Peer Network does not distinguish between clients and servers.
Client-server focuses mostly on information sharing while p2p focuses mostly on the connectivity aspect.
In the client-server case, we mostly favor the centralized server for data storage whereas, in p2p, every peer stores its own data.
In a client-server network, the server responds to the services that the client requests on the other hand In the case of a p2p network, every node can accomplish both request and response.
After comparing both of them, we get a general idea that the p2p model eliminates the chances of concentrating data, and resource information in one particular or few selected areas. Isn’t it the principle behind blockchain? Of course! Blockchain enables the functioning of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies without the need for a centralized authority by dispersing its operations across a network of computers. This lessens the risk and the lack of trust. This is one of the core reasons for its adoption and popularity as it is seen as an alternative to the current system.
So the sum and substance of the entire discussion so far are that P2P is a technology that is founded on the decentralization principle, which is a very basic idea. All cryptocurrencies can be exchanged globally without a middleman, intermediaries, or central server thanks to the peer-to-peer architecture of the blockchain. Anyone can set up a Bitcoin node on the decentralized peer-to-peer network if they want to take part in the process of validating and confirming blocks.
The blockchain is inherently distributed (meaning that throughout the network each party holds a copy of the ledger).